The Link Community Hub
An exciting new facility for the whole community of Haslemere
The Link, a converted former school, is owned by the parish church but is an asset held for the benefit of the whole community. Currently it is underutilised and the room sizes and facilities do not meet existing let alone future needs of our community in Haslemere.
Our research across the town has identified many unmet needs, in all age groups, which we believe an improved Link building could address. To meet those needs we have developed and costed plans for a significantly expanded and refurbished building - The Link Community Hub.
If you wish to read the planning statement and look at the proposed drawings you can find them here
We would be delighted to hear your views on the project - please email us at
Some Questions and Answers
The Link Community Hub will create much needed, fully accessible, well-equipped spaces for meetings, classes and community activities. It will also provide a home for Citizens Advice, Crossways Counselling, Hear Here and other services.
Why here?
The building was given to the Parish for the use of the community. Adding an accessible first floor and a number of small rooms will complement other oversubscribed facilities in the town.
Why now?
We have been approached by charities looking for the type of space the Hub will provide. The need for facilities which can be used by organisations offering support to the community for financial advice and mental health support was quickly identified through our discussions with other venues and service providers across Haslemere.
How much will it cost? Our professional advisers have calculated an estimated cost including contingency and an allowance for inflation of £2m.
How will the building work be funded? We are seeking grants from the Your Fund Surrey and other grant making bodies. We will also be initiating a fund raising campaign in 2023.
When might it be completed? Subject to planning approval and funding being in place we would hope for completion in 2025.
What facilities will you find in the Link Community Hub?
On the Ground Floor:
A large meeting room (11m by 10m) with full AV facilities. Ideal for talks, exercise classes, childrens’ groups etc
A hot desking office for users’ staff or volunteers to use when on-site
A large kitchen
Full accessibility to all rooms and WC
On the First Floor:
Access by stairs and lift
A medium sized meeting room (10m by 6m)
3 sound-proofed rooms suitable for counselling, consulting or interviewing as well as break out from communal activities
Drinks preparation and accessible WC
The building will be finished to a high standard, have excellent IT services and be energy efficient.
Charges will be set according to the user – charitable, private, business etc.
Our Plans for The Link
Ground Floor

The First Floor