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Ash Wednesday

Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on 5th March.  On that evening we shall practice the ancient rite of the imposition of ashes, where we prepare ourselves for the inward journey towards the cross of Easter. 

On that day there will be a service of solemn holy communion at 7:00pm, with a particular emphasis on confession of our imperfect lives.  From there we shall think of ourselves in a wildnerness place, as with Christ in the desert, being more aware of the need for the salvation of God. 

Ash Wednesday will also be the launch of our Lent Course: God's Good Words.

Many of us will fast in Lent in some way, and others will take upon themselves some spiritual disciple of prayer or reading.  If you would like to see some recommendation for lent reading, please see this page.

However you decide to mark Lent, the day of Ash Wednesday is when you offer your commitment to God for the season of Lent.

Please join us at St Bartholomew's Church at 7:00pm, or watch online here.



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