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Women of Worth (800 x 330 px)

Our first meeting for this year is on Sunday 23rd February 5pm to 6:15pm at St Christophers. This is a chance for us to get to know each other and for me to introduce the line up for Women of Worth this year. Come along for a short activity,  some light refreshments and a chat.   

Women of Worth


A Group for Women Seeking thinking about Faith 

In today’s society, women are constantly being subjected to expectations about beauty, careers, relationships and more.  It’s hard to find and maintain self-worth when we live in fear of meeting societal standards of what it means to be a woman.  It can be hard especially as Christian women, as societal expectations are far from God’s expectations of us.  In order to find our worth, we need to look deep within ourselves.  Our value and worth come from God. The creation of a woman was the beginning of a woman’s worth.

Last year, Women of Worth focused on inspiration from Biblical Women. We explored several characteristics such as Hannah's loyalty, dedication and sacrifice. We discussed the significance of women who followed Jesus Christ from crucifixion to resurrection and learnt some crucial lessons such as the importance of following Jesus in all circumstances.
We learnt the importance of diligence and commitment and how this shapes us as Christian women. We collaborated to inspire each other through our unique talents.  We shared our skills through art, baking and ways of becoming charitable.  (Proverbs 31:10-31)
All this was emphasised by fun activities including a fundraising event we organised in aid of the Link Community Hub Project.
This year, 2025 we want to focus on working together in our church and our community. The idea of community comes from the sense of responsibility we have for each other.  It is important to maintain the connection with each other and focusing on building a community of love in word and action.   (Romans 12: 9 -16)
Church Services
· We will be partaking in the Sunday Morning Family Service. Mothering Sunday (30th March 2025) This will involve:
·  Reading the intercession prayers
·  Baking and serving refreshments after the service
·  Running a pop-up shop: fundraising in aid of the chosen charity for the month
· Leading praying on Sunday service at St Christopher's Church (21st September 2025)
· Partaking in preparing for the summer church BBQ and help run the event on the day.
We will be involved in a Service at our local care home
Group meetings
Celebrating our uniqueness
We will have another session to share our talents and skills that God uniquely gave us.  (Romans 12: 4-8)
Wellness Day/Evening
How prayer can help us and others in our struggles (Psalms 23, John 14: 27)
All dates and times will be updated here well in advance and on our WhatsApp group.
To find out more, please download and read this leaflet.

If you would like to come, please let Linda Feliati know via email to:


Planning your Visit