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Get In Touch

Our Ministry Team are always glad to hear from people wanting to know more about the Christian faith and about the churches in Haslemere. They are the main contacts for enquiries about baptisms, weddings and funerals.

They are also supported by a small team of pastoral assistants and together they help anyone in pastoral need, whether or not they come to church. They visit the sick and lonely at home or in hospital, and are always glad to hear of people who need such visits.

The Church Office is open Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00am to 3:00pm, and on Fridays from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. These hours may vary around school holidays but we will endeavour to keep this page updated with the most current hours. Please call 01428 644578 for the Church Office.

Please note that the Parish Office will be closed for annual leave over Christmas as follows:
23rd- 29th December- closed
30th December- open 9am-2pm
31st December- closed
1st January- closed
2nd January- open 9am- 2pm
3rd January- open 1pm- 3pm

For Church and Hall Bookings, please contact the Parish Administrator below.

2 1312 gi   1604317017-CCKi
Revd Chris Bessant
Team Rector
01428 658107
  Revd Justin Manley
Associate Minister
01428 608881
1639496089-q8h1   1639496147-i2cQ
Victoria Martin
Children and Families Worker
(Younger Children)
  Verity Sutherland
Children and Families Worker
(Older Children)
1677162089-SDNpMXdf   Clive Osgood 3
Kari Hayden
Parish Administrator
01428 644578
  Clive Osgood
Director of Music
Liz Chapman
Junior Choir Administrator

If you wish to make general enquiries to the church then please call the Parish Office on 01428 644578.

Planning your Visit