Like all parish churches, we rely on the faithful, regular giving of our community to maintain the mission of St Bartholomew's and St Christopher's here in Haslemere. We receive no funding other than from our work as a parish, and the generous support of individuals.
Make a Single Donation
There may be many reasons to make a single donation to the church. If you wish to do so, please follow the donation link here.

Donate to the Monthly Charity
Thank you for coming to this page to make a donation to our monthly charity.
We in Haslemere Parish are connected to many external charities, in addition to our own ministries and projects in the town. From time to time we hosts fundraising events in support of these charities, many of which are connected to the work we do at different times during the year.
Our supported charity for February is Citizens Advice Waverley.
Please click the donate button to find out more about our charities, and how you can donate now.

Set Up Regular Giving
Haslemere Parish use the Parish Giving Scheme, which is a regular direct debit system incorporating Gift Aid. Those enrolling onto the PGS have full control of their profile, through our Regular Giving Officer, who is a regular member of the church. Do please get in touch if you would like to discuss the PGS system with us.
To find out more or set up a regular giving scheme, please click here, or the images below.

Leaving a Legacy
The work and ministry of Haslemere Parish continues from generations past and will do so for the generations to come. Many people wish to support the work of the parish financially, as a legacy to the church at the end of their lives. If you would like to find out more, please visit the legacies pages.