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Welcome to our Carpenters Men's Ministry Group

Carpenters graphic combo of id

Each month we host a Saturday morning breakfast, aimed at men's interests.  It's an open and well attended group, in support of men's needs and ministry.  At different times there will may also be other community and care activities, where the Carpenters can be active around Haslemere.

Our next gathering will be Saturday 22nd February 9:00am at The Link for breakfast.  All are welcome, no need to book on.
Other dates for your diary are:
27th February- 7pm Drinks at The Mill
27th March- 7pm Drinks at The Swan
24th April- 7pm Drinks at The Mill
29th May- 7pm Drinks at The Swan
26th June- 7pm Drinks at The Mill
28th June- 9am Breakfast at St Christopher's
31st July- 7pm Drinks at The Swan
8th November- 9am Breakfast at St Christopher's

If you wish to know more then please get in touch, or come along and join in on the day. 

Planning your Visit