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Holy Week and Easter 2025

HOLY WEEK (800 x 330 px)

Easter is the story of God’s greatest gift, and His greatest miracle. 

Jesus Christ the Son of God came to live amongst us, died for us, and rose again that we might find new life and new hope.  Many find Easter to be a very spiritual time, like a journey that we all recognise and know too that we have to make ourselves.  

"God has rescued us from the power of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins." (Colossians 1:13)

We invite you to join us over the Easter season, across the various services. All of our services for Holy Week and Easter are as below.  Many of these services will be live-streamed.

Services and Dates

Palm Sunday 13th April

8:00am Holy Communion Service at St Bartholomew’s Church (Book of Common Prayer)
Palm crosses will be provided and blessed.

10:00am Holy Communion Service at St Christopher’s Church.  
For Palm Sunday we shall begin outside on St Christopher's Green, to make a procession into the church with our palm crosses.

Maundy Thursday 17th April

7:30pm A re-enactment of the Last Supper as a Passover Meal at St Christopher's. 
This is set as a Passover meal with an informal Holy Communion.  Booking will open in early March, and will be essential to help organise catering. For further information and booking, please look for the sign-up instructions in early April.

Good Friday 18th April

10:30am Families@4 Good Friday Craft Activity for Children and Families.
This is a very popular gathering for the children, where we shall have plenty of activities for building Easter crafts.  Some of these crafts are made into gift, to be given out in the parish to those in nursing homes, or housebound.

2:00pm Service at the Foot of the Cross.  St Bartholomew's Church, followed by a walk of witness to Haslemere High Street.
Gathering at the foot of the cross is a deeply spiritual and penitent time, where we can gather to both seek forgiveness, and to nail a red ribbon to the cross in recognition.  The cross is then lifted and taken down to Haslemere High Street.  Find out more here.

Easter Sunday 20th April

6:00am Dawn Service of Light.  St Christopher's Church
Yes it's early, but with breakfast being served too!  Please join us to begin the Lord's most special day.

8:00am Holy Communion Service at St Christopher’s Church (Book of Common Prayer)

9:30am All Age Easter Day Holy Communion in St Bartholomew’s

11:00am Easter Day Service of Holy Communion in St Christopher’s 

Planning your Visit