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Harvest Festival 2024


Harvest Festival
Harvest Festival is a tradition across the UK, and most especially for schools and children's groups.  Each year our Harvest Festival is a church full of joyous sharing and giving for those in need. This is a time of offering, when we may bring a gift to be placed into the collection.  Here in Haslemere Parish it has been our custom, to support Haslemere Food Bank, so do please click to find out what kinds of groceries the food bank are needing at the moment. 

All are welcome to our all-age Harvest Festival service at 10:00am on Sunday 6th October, at St Bartholomew's Church.

Here is a list of the kinds of items which Haslemere Food Bank need.  Please no perishables!

Baked beans
Tinned pasta (spaghetti, ravioli etc)
Packet puddings (jelly, Angel Delight, sponge puddings etc)
Jam / Marmalade / Custard / Rice pudding
Tinned vegetables and tinned potatoes
Tinned fish / Tinned meat
Couscous / Noodles / Rice
Hot Chocolate / Coffee / Teas Bags
Pasta sauce
Tinned Tomatoes
UHT milk
Toilet roll
Bar soap
Washing Powder/Liquids
Shower Gel
Sweet Treats (chocolate, dried fruits etc)
Savoury snacks (crisps, nuts etc


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