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Mighty Oaks, Little Acorns 

Mighty Oaks (800 x 330 px)

Even big trees have to start small, but we all grow together.

Here is something new for 2025. On Wednesday February 19th (half term), we are inviting the children and families to a care and craft activity afternoon at Oak Hall nursing home.  It's long been known that the very elderly get much comfort and pleasure from having children around them, playing, singing or even serving tea and cakes.  

This is an activity where the children and parents gather at a local Haslemere nursing home - Oak Hall - to make crafts and interact with the elderly residents.  We shall be making tree inspired gifts for the older people, and serving them tea together.  We begin from 2:15pm, so do come along prompt if you can.

Don't sit at home cold and bored!  Bring the family and enjoy the warmth of Oak Hall.  There is ample parking on site, so please come along.

Where is Oak Hall?

Come to: Wispers Ln, Haslemere GU27 1AB


Planning your Visit